The Local Advertiser - Your Guide to Local Business Services in the Royal Wootton Bassett and Lyneham area.
Your local guide to business services
- New children’s party bus opening in mid-March at Sustain Farm Shop – see p.3 (see events going on at Sustain on p.12).
- Looking for your first mortgage or moving home? Call Arron at Bellamy Wealth Management (see p.3).
- Royal Munchies have moved across the road but still serving great food for breakfast or lunch (see p.4).
- RWB Shed re-opens on 27 March too. See details on p.7.
- RWB Town Council are detailing the forthcoming VE Day 80th Anniversary event on 8 May. See p.19.
- Order flowers for Mother’s Day on 30th March – see local florist Guelder Rose on p.13
37 years of serving local businesses and the community of Royal Wootton Bassett & Lyneham!

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Find out moreThank you for putting the advert in again for me over the past few months. It works really well in generating more customers. Unfortunately I’ll have to cancel my advert as I now have enough business from it for now.
Dawn Crutcher Dawn Crutcher Cleaning Services
Free Notice Board
Non-profit making events and personal for sale items
The Bereavement Cafe
The Bereavement Cafe is a community based drop-in service for those who are bereaved. Meet & talk with others who may be experiencing similar thoughts/feelings, in an informal and supportive setting. Sessions are free 10am-12pm - no need to book. This group is a partnership between Prospect Hospice & Carer Support Wiltshire....
Royal Wootton Bassett Orchestra Spring Concert
Royal Wootton Bassett Orchestra Spring Concert - A Tale of Two Cities - music from Vienna & Berlin at Malmesbury Abbey on March 15th at 7.30pm. Tickets £12 for adults, children free. Book through our website
Royal Wootton Bassett Camera Club
Royal Wootton Bassett Camera Club’s annual Battle with Cricklade Camera Club at RWB is on March 4th, a Members’ Evening on March 18th & a presenta-tion "The Seeing Eye" on April 1st. New members are welcomed regardless of photographic experience. Meetings start at 7.30 pm in The Angel Hotel Function Room, 47 High Street, RWB, SN4 7AQ. Tel. 07799 583304 for further details or visit or our Facebook page....